Adref/ Home
Amcanion/ Aims
Cefndir yr Ysgol/ School Background
Staff yr Ysgol / School Staff
Y Gymraeg / Welsh
Gwybodaeth/ Information
Polisiau/ Policies
Llywodraethwyr / Governors
Llawlyfr Ysgol/ School Handbook
Cylch Meithrin Henllan/ Henllan Pre-School
Cyngor Ysgol/School Council
Ein Dosbarthiadau/ Our Classes
Dosbarth 1
Dosbarth 2
Dosbarth 3
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Adref/ Home
Amcanion/ Aims
Cefndir yr Ysgol/ School Background
Staff yr Ysgol / School Staff
Y Gymraeg / Welsh
Gwybodaeth/ Information
Polisiau/ Policies
Llywodraethwyr / Governors
Llawlyfr Ysgol/ School Handbook
Cylch Meithrin Henllan/ Henllan Pre-School
Cyngor Ysgol/School Council
Ein Dosbarthiadau/ Our Classes
Dosbarth 1
Dosbarth 2
Dosbarth 3